Large Orchid Bouquet
By Fleurtations
This is the stunning Large Orchid Flower Bouquet which consists of large orchid stems in green, white and yellow with an Aspidistra and Palm Leaf backing, put together in a yellow spot cellophane gift wrapping to produce a truly gorgeous display. If you would like to take a closer look at this classic Large Orchid Flower Bouquet simply roll the mouse over the image.
- Nottingham Flower Bouquet
- Size: Approx. 32ins x 18ins (80 x 45cms)
- Care Instructions: Remove Packaging
- Fill Vase with Clean Water and Flower Food
- Place Flowers into Vase (DO NOT UNTIE)
- Keep away from Direct Sunlight and Heat
- Change Water every 2/3 Days
- Recut Stems (Slanted Cut) Weekly
- Delivery: Greater Nottingham Delivery or Collection
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