Red and Orange Bouquet
By Fleurtations
This is the Red, Orange and White Bouquet which consists of Red Carnations and Spray Carnations, Orange Asiatic Lilies , Cream Spider Chrysanthemum, Gypsophila and Palm Leaf, wrapped in clear cellophane with a red bib finish giving a really sumptuous display. If you would like to take a closer look at this Red, Orange and White Flower Bouquet simply roll the mouse over the image.
- Nottingham Flower Bouquet
- Size: Approx. 32ins x 18ins (80 x 45cms)
- Care Instructions: Remove Packaging
- Fill Vase with Clean Water and Flower Food
- Place Flowers into Vase (DO NOT UNTIE)
- Keep away from Direct Sunlight and Heat
- Change Water every 2/3 Days
- Recut Stems (Slanted Cut) Weekly
- Delivery: Greater Nottingham Delivery or Collection
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